Thursday, April 16, 2009


It is easy to make a dorky web page. It's also easy to make a very nice, clean, professional-looking web page even if you don't have much design experience. Often the difference, even for beginning designers, is simply a matter of eliminating certain features that are guaranteed to make a page look amateurish. Go through the list of things that people--designers and non-designers--from around the country have cited as the things that make the difference between a well-designed and a poorly designed web page.

One of the elements of Good Web Design is a lack of the elements that make bad web design. If you stay away from everything listed on the page about dorky web pages, you've probably got a pretty nice web site. In addition, keep these concepts in mind:


Background does not interrupt the text
Text is big enough to read, but not too big
The hierarchy of information is perfectly clearColumns of text are narrower than in a book to make reading easier on the screen

Navigation buttons and bars are easy to understand and use
Navigation is consistent throughout web site
Navigation buttons and bars provide the visitor with a clue as to where they are, what page of the site they are currently on
Frames, if used, are not obtrusive
A large site has an index or site map

Link colors coordinate with page colors
Links are underlined so they are instantly clear to the visitor

Buttons are not big and dorky
Every graphic has an alt label
Every graphic link has a matching text link
Graphics and backgrounds use browser-safe colors
Animated graphics turn off by themselves

General Design
Pages download quickly
First page and home page fit into 800 x 600 pixel space
All of the other pages have the immediate visual impact within 800 x 600 pixels
Good use of graphic elements (photos, subheads, pull quotes) to break up large areas of text
Every web page in the site looks like it belongs to the same site; there are repetitive elements that carry throughout the pages

Keep in mind that the point of eliminating Bad Features is not just to make the page prettier, but to communicate more effectively.

Bad Design Features

Below are features that can make a web design look dorky. These are not just my personal opinions, but are ideas I have collected from speaking to groups around the country. Examples of many of these features and more detailed explanations of the problems and solutions are in my book, The Non-Designer's Web Book, written with John Tollett.

Default gray color
Color combinations of text and background that make the text hard to read
Busy, distracting backgrounds that make the text hard to read

Text that is too small to read
Text crowding against the left edge
Text that stretches all the way across the page
Centered type over flush left body copy
Paragraphs of type in all caps
Paragraphs of type in bold
Paragraphs of type in italic
Paragraphs of type in all caps, bold, and italic all at once
Underlined text that is not a link

Default blue links
Blue link borders around graphics
Links that are not clear about where they will take you
Links in body copy that distract readers and lead them off to remote, useless pages
Text links that are not underlined so you don't know they are links
..(If you're not going to underline your links, please make darned sure
..that each link is perfectly clearly a link! Don't make me wander around
..with my mouse checking to see if randomly colored text is a link!)
Dead links (links that don't work anymore)

Large graphic files that take forever to load
Meaningless or useless graphics
Thumbnail images that are nearly as large as the full-sized images they link to
Graphics with no alt labels
Missing graphics, especially missing graphics with no alt labels
Graphics that don't fit on the screen (assuming a screen of 800 x 600 pixels)

Borders turned on in tables
Tables used as design elements, especially with extra large (dorky) borders

Blinking and animations
Anything that blinks, especially text
Multiple things that blink
Rainbow rules (lines)
Rainbow rules that blink or animate
"Under construction" signs, especially of little men working
Animated "under construction" signs
Animated pictures for email
Animations that never stop
Multiple animations that never stop

Counters on pages -- who cares
Junky advertising
Having to scroll sideways (800 x 600 pixels)
Too many little pictures of meaningless awards on the first page
Frame scroll bars in the middle of a page
Multiple frame scroll bars in the middle of a page

Unclear navigation; over complex navigation
Complicated frames, too many frames, unnecessary scroll bars in frames
Orphan pages (no links back to where they came from, no identification)
Useless page titles that don't explain what the page is about

General Design
Entry page or home page that does not fit within standard browser window (800 x 600 pixels)
Frames that make you scroll sideways
No focal point on the page
Too many focal points on the page
Navigation buttons as the only visual interest, especially when they're large (and dorky)
Cluttered, not enough alignment of elements
Lack of contrast (in color, text, to create hierarchy of information, etc.)
Pages that look okay in one browser but not in another

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post. Thanks For Sharing good web design Element. All The Elements are good for SEO Purpose and design purpose.
