Electronic cigarettes offer consumers to switch over from traditional cigarettes to an electronic cigarette or commonly known as the E Cigarette. This unique device provides the consumer with the liquid nicotine through an atomizer and a cartridge powered through a battery. This innovative method allows the users to deliver the liquid nicotine through the electronic cigarette without allowing the hundreds of toxic chemicals that are often found in traditional cigarettes.
Saving money with the electronic cigarette is a no brainer! The costs of cigarettes in the United States are going to be above a national average of $5.00-$7.00 for a pack of cigarettes and cartons over $100. The initial investment for the electronic cigarette starting at $69.99 is a rough bump in the pouch at first. Purchase the electronic cigarette once and buy electronic cigarette cartridges on a need to smoke basis. The cost of cartridges is extremely low when comparing them to the extremely high price of cigarettes.
One unique characteristic of e cigs is that they are smokeless. And since there is no tobacco in them, no carcinogens are released when they are used. That generally makes them safer alternative and save thousands of dollars on these electronic cigarettes.
Financially, electronic cigarettes can save you thousands of dollars. If you smoke an average of a pack of cigarettes a day, you can spend almost $2,000 a year on cigarettes alone. With electronic cigarettes, the cost of the same amount of puffs is almost 75 percent less. This means that you could save over $1,000 a year just by making the switch.
You can also use electric cigarettes anywhere you want. Since the smoking bans in the United States only regulate the use of smoking products that contain tobacco, you are able to get your nicotine fix in places like night club, bars, and even airplanes. If you have never heard of or seen an electronic cigarette before, chances are that in the near future they will be just as common as a traditional tobacco smoke. They are already growing in popularity like nothing the smoking community has seen before.
Very educational. The e cigarette is easy to use, is good in a pinch to satisfy my cravings, feels healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes and , with its water-vapor-only discharge, is more acceptable by the environments. electronic cigarette reviews