Nicotine Patches and Nicotine Gum
Nicotine patches, such as Nicoderm CQ and Habitrol, are placed on the arm or trunk area for 24 hours at a time. The patches send nicotine into the body through the skin.
Nicotine Inhalers and Nasal Sprays
Nicotine inhalers are cartridges that people take six to 16 puffs of a day in order to release nicotine vapor. Nicotine nasal sprays are aerosolized devices that release nicotine into the nostrils.
Nicotine Lozenges
Nicotine lozenges are prescription-medications containing nicotine that people take orally at intervals of the day.
Bupropion Hydrochloride
Buproprion hydrochlorides, such as Zylon, are prescription medications that are used to help people smoking.
Varenicline Tartrate
Varenicline tatrates, such as Chantex, are prescription medications that have recently been used as drugs for smoking cessation. Although the drugs do not contain nicotine, they act similarly to nicotine in the brain and help to stop cravings for it.
If you too are interested in liberating yourself from the unhealthy clutches of cigarette through the use of E cigarettes, please visit www.vsvapor.net for Stop smoking aids and other E Cigarette models and E-liquids.
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